Dangerous Deception (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series) Page 10
“And…Lola?” she whispered, holding her breath.
He laughed out loud. “And Lola. This is my commitment to Lola - to stay as far away from her as I can, so help me God.”
“Oh, Storm,” she said, her voice cracking, “I love you so much.”
“And I love you, my sweet Dani,” he replied, and put a finger under her chin to lift her face to his just as he had done before. He put his lips to her cheek, kissing away the tears that ran down her face. “I thought you said you never cry,” he whispered.
“This time,” she said with a sniff, “it’s because I’m the happiest girl in the world.”
He kissed her then, full on the lips, and she kissed him back with all the love she’d stored up in her heart.
It was several minutes before they stepped back and out of each other’s arms. “Come,” Storm said finally, “let’s go back inside before they send the police to hunt us down.”
She chuckled, took his hand and walked proudly by his side. There was nothing anyone could do or say that would make her feel embarrassed, not as long as she had Storm, her man, by her side.
As they entered the room everyone turned toward them but they must have seen something special on their faces because first one person started to clap, then another, until the entire room was clapping, welcoming them back.
Then, as if she hadn’t had enough shock for one day, Storm led her to the center of the room and the crowd backed away, clearing a space for them.
Her heart leaped into her throat when right there, in front of his friends and family, he went down on one knee and took her hand in his.
“Danielle Swift,” he said, looking up into her face with an expression of such devotion that her heart trembled, “will you be my wife?’
“Yes,” she whispered, "a million times, yes.”
The crowd erupted in whoops and cheers and as the whistles and yells filled the room Storm got up, gathered her in his arms and gave her a kiss that made up for all the other kisses she’d denied herself.
And Dani knew that this new job he was giving her, the job of being his wife, was one that would last a lifetime. She could hardly wait to start.
Thank you for reading ‘Dangerous Deception’. I sincerely appreciate your support. If you liked this story please visit the Amazon page where you can click on the ‘Like’ button at the top of the page. Positive reviews are also very welcome! That’s the best support any author could ask for.
Thanks, again, for reading and check out Volumes 1, 2 & 3 in the ‘Bad Boy Billionaires’ series:
The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series by Judy Angelo
Volume 1 - Tamed by the Billionaire
Volume 2 - Maid in the USA
Volume 3 - Billionaire's Island Bride
Box Set - Bad Boy Billionaires Collection, Vols. 1 - 4
June 15 - To Tame a Tycoon
July 1 - Sweet Seduction
Excerpts are below:
Roman Steele stared across the boardroom table at his long-time business associate. “So basically you’re telling me she’s a spoiled brat.”
The older man frowned. “Since you put it so bluntly…yes, I guess that’s what I’m saying.” Richard Van Buren laced his fingers across his stomach and leaned back in the chair. “She’s getting me worried, Roman. She’s all grown up now. She can’t keep behaving like this.”
“Don’t you think you’re being melodramatic?” Roman asked, slightly amused. “You said she’s grown now. I would think the realities of life would calm her.”
“That’s the problem. I haven’t exposed her to any of those realities.” Richard shook his head then sighed. “Ever since her mother died when she was six I’ve been spoiling Serena, letting her have her own way. Trying to make up for the loss of her mother, I guess.” His eyes took on a distant look and his voice trailed away.
“But you went overboard?” Roman prompted.
Richard grimaced. “I let her run wild for years. I thought with the supervision of the housekeeper she would be alright. After all, girls are supposed to be easier to raise than boys, right? Guess I was wrong.” Richard smiled ruefully. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a brown leather wallet from which he took a small photograph. He slid it across the table. “This is my Serena when she was nineteen.” He shrugged. "It's a couple of years old."
Roman picked it up and found himself staring at the smiling face of a girl sitting on the back of a shiny black stallion. She was breathtakingly beautiful with long chestnut hair floating around her heart-shaped face and a pretty pout that drew attention to the pink petals of her lips. Her eyes were the exquisite blue of the Pacific Ocean and in them was a bold defiance that spoke of the girl's confidence and spirit.
Roman raised his eyebrows. “So this is Serena,” he said, almost to himself. “She’s a beauty.”
“That’s the problem,” Richard said grimly. “She’s beautiful and she knows it. And she's also the daughter of a wealthy man who spoils her." His face turned sad. "This is not how I want things to be. I want my daughter to be prepared for the world. When I pass on she’s the one who’s going to take charge of the company and right now she’s not prepared for any of that.”
Roman tore his gaze away from the photograph and looked back at Richard. “You talk as if you plan to leave soon,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re as healthy as a horse.”
“Yes, but you never know...” Richard tapped his silver pen on the table, his weathered face thoughtful. “Serena is finishing up college in a week. She’ll be twenty-one with a Bachelor's degree in art history. She didn’t even do her degree in business like I told her. How prepared can she be to take over the business?" He shook his head then smiled wryly. "I can’t even rely on her to find a suitable husband. She’s shown no interest in the guys who've come knocking. She'll probably keep rejecting them for years to come.”
“So what are you going to do about this?”
Richard shrugged. “Short of forcing her into marriage with a man with some business sense, I have no idea.” Then he grinned at the preposterous idea. "If only we were back in the nineteenth century."
Roman sat back and looked keenly at Richard. He could see that despite his attempt at humor the older man was distressed. They'd just finished up a business meeting where they'd discussed a possible collaboration between both their companies. They were considering a partnership in the development of a new line of skin care products. Out of the blue Richard started talking about his daughter. The situation was obviously weighing heavily on his mind.
“So let me get this straight," Roman said, folding his arms across his chest. "You have a daughter who likes to have her own way. She doesn't listen to you yet you give her whatever she wants. You’ve been doing this for the past twenty-one years and now you want her to settle down and get involved in the business?”
Richard gave a solemn nod. "I know I've been a terrible parent. And I know it’s late. I should have been firm with her all those years." He gave a deep sigh. “She's not prepared, Roman. My daughter needs a crash course in real life.”
Roman released his folded arms and leaned forward. “I have an idea that could help.”
“Yes?” Richard raised his eyebrows, obviously curious.
“What if your daughter worked for me for a while, say for the next six months?”
“You would take her under your wing, be a mentor to her?”
“Right. I’ll give her responsibilities that will equip her to help you in the management of your company. There’s just so much you can learn within a six month period but I can structure her role and experiences so that they’ll give her a foundation in business. You can build on that once her internship is over.”
Richard looked doubtful. “You know she could easily get that experience at my office
“True, but how seriously do you think she'd take her job knowing that she could leave work, go shopping and never get fired?”
Richard's lips tightened. “I see your point."
“Now I can’t promise you that after six months your daughter will be an angel but what I do promise is that she’ll leave my company with experience in the various aspects of business.”
“Sounds good so far,” Richard said, still with a hint of doubt in his voice. “I’m going to have to figure out the best way to break this to her. I know she had her heart set on touring Europe right after graduation but now this? She’s going to have a fit.”
“And you, dear Dad, are going to sit her down and let her know she starts work at Steele Industries the first week of July.”
“That’s just a week after she gets here.”
“What better time to start? It will be before she gets used to being at home, all relaxed. She needs to jump in head first.”
Richard nodded then he expelled his breath and on his face was a look of relief. He rose and stretched out a hand to his partner in crime. "Roman, as of the first week of July my daughter is in your hands. Let's shake on that." There was a twinkle in his gray eyes as he smiled. "I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into.”
Roman grasped Richard's hand. “Don't you worry about that. By the time I'm done your Serena will be a new woman." He smiled, full of confidence, as he released the man's hand. "You can trust me on that.”
If you enjoyed this excerpt get the full story by clicking on the link:
Celine hummed a love song as she pushed the housekeeping trolley down the carpeted hallway. Today was going to be a great day she’d told herself, no matter that she was stuck in Cambridge for yet another summer when she’d much rather be back home in France with her mother and two rowdy little brothers.
She smiled as she thought about Marc and Sylvan. The ten and twelve year olds were probably driving her maman crazy at this very moment with their constant pranks and rough play. If only she could be home with them. She was the only one who could keep those two in check.
She stopped at the door to suite 1206. No time to dwell on that now. She had twelve suites to clean in the next few hours and she wanted to make a good impression. For the last two summers she’d worked at small hotels where the pay was minimal and the hours long. This summer she’d been lucky to land a job at one of the largest hotels on Main Street. She’d be earning almost fifty percent more than she’d made at her previous job. It was still a far cry from adequate but if she kept to a tight budget she might just be able to save enough to go home for Christmas.
Celine knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again just to be sure then stuck her keycard in the slot and pushed the door open. Gathering up a handful of towels and tiny bottles of toiletries she tucked them in the crook of her arm, grabbed the handle of the vacuum cleaner then backed into the room.
The presidential suite was magnificent with a spacious living room filled with antique furniture and ornate carpeting. A sparkling crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. Celine paused to admire the elegant room. Oh, to be able to live like this. She chuckled to herself. It would probably take a month’s salary for her to pay for one night in this suite.
Now where to start? She had an armful of towels so the bathroom it was. Still humming she pushed the door and walked into the bedroom.
At that moment she heard a click and the bathroom door opened. She gasped and the towels fell from her hands. Standing in front of her, his face hidden by a thick towel, was a tall, muscular and very naked man.
Celine screamed.
“What the…” The man dropped the towel and stared back at her in obvious shock. “Where did you come from?”
“I…I’m sorry,” Celine said as she backed away. “I thought the suite was empty. I’m so sorry.”
The man was staring at her with eyes that were shockingly green. “I was in the shower so if you knocked I wouldn’t have heard a thing.”
Mon Dieu. He was standing there, tall and lean and every inch a man, and he was making no move to cover himself. Celine dropped her eyes, her face hot with embarrassment. She turned to flee.
“Wait. I want to talk to you.”
Was he serious? She would not turn back to talk to a naked man no matter how handsome. She was back in the living room and had already grabbed hold of her vacuum cleaner when his voice stopped her.
“Don’t leave,” he said, his voice imperious and bold. He sounded like the kind of man who expected to be obeyed. He was standing in the bedroom doorway and this time, thankfully, he had the towel wrapped around his waist. “Wait for me in the living room. I’ll get dressed.”
Without bothering to wait for a reply he turned and went back into the bedroom, leaving Celine staring at the empty doorway...
Get the full story, 'Maid in the USA' by Judy Angelo by clicking on the link:
“Come on, Erin. Just get it over with.”
She shook her head and bit her lip. That was easy for Robyn to say. Robyn was the daring one but she’d never done anything like this in her life.
“Go for it,” Maria said in support.
Erin could have happily smacked her. Perspiration settled on her brow but it was not from the Caribbean sun that bore down from a cloudless sky. Erin was nervous as hell.
Inhaling deeply she floated her palms on top of the sparkling water of the swimming pool and stared across its length to the knot of men sitting at the pool bar. They were drinking, talking and laughing, their backs to the pool and the swimmers, their lower bodies submerged in water. The pool bar was a popular location and all the concrete stools were taken with a few of the men resorting to standing in the waist high water and leaning on the counter.
“Just do it and get it over with, Erin.” That was Tisha talking.
Erin turned to look back at the group and not for the first time since they’d arrived on the island of Santa Marta she wondered what in heaven's name she was doing here with them.
They were like a rainbow coalition – Robyn with her pale freckled skin and copper red hair, Maria with her waist length black hair and Latin features, Tisha with her shoulder-length braids and mahogany skin. And then there was her, with her creamy skin and chestnut-brown hair.
But they were not a coalition by any means. She was the odd one out. They were all from wealthy families, privileged girls who thought nothing of making trips to the islands for sun, sea and sand. She, on the other hand, had only made it here through the generosity of Robyn’s parents and their strong suggestion that Erin take a well-deserved break from on-campus work. She’d spent several months with them while in foster care and they’d been very kind. Now, even though years had passed since she’d left, they still insisted on reaching out to her from time to time with small surprises. This trip was a huge surprise.
Robyn had not been pleased at the sudden addition to her travel party but she finally conceded at her parents’ insistence. Erin suspected that she’d given in only because she thought she’d found a readymade gopher for the trip.
Now here she was, caught in a stupid dare, one that her sense of fairness would not let her get out of. The other girls had all performed their assigned tasks which ranged from flirting with strangers to kissing the bartender. And although she'd told them she was not interested she'd been roped into the game. Now it was her turn. She refused to kiss anyone but they’d demanded that she meet them halfway – so she’d agreed to the task: select a man, strike up a conversation, and if he asked her out within two minutes of meeting her she’d win the bet. Stupid? Sure, but she was tired of the harassment and the accusation of being a wet
blanket. She’d do it and then tell them to leave her the heck alone.
Tisha swam up to her. “I see a real cutie. Check out the blond-haired guy.”
Following the girl’s finger she stared at the back of a tall, well-built man with spiky hair. As she watched he turned to the man beside him and, laughing out loud, gave him a slap on the back. The blond-haired man seemed friendly enough and probably would not take offense but still, for some reason she had reservations about approaching him. He might like the attention too much.
Surveying the backs of her potential victims Erin’s eyes fell on the strong, lean torso of a dark-haired man. He sat with his back straight although he seemed relaxed in every other way. He was sipping a martini and though he often smiled at the jokes of the other men he seemed more reserved, even aloof. This man, clad in hip-hugging black swim trunks, exuded a power which seemed to draw her to him.
Immediately she knew he would be her target. He looked like a serious kind of guy who would just have a normal conversation with her and then let her go. She didn’t care if he asked her out or not. She just wanted her task to be over.
And that would be the end of that.
Sucking in a deep breath, Erin began a slow wade through the waist-high water. She never took her eyes off the back of her now chosen prey.